15th March 2014 explore4knowledge, International Day of Water Action 2014
#e4k_water #RiversUniteUS
Our campsites tucked away between the Ratel River and the escarpment of the Groot Winterhoek Mountains in the Beaverlac Nature Reserve filled with the voices of excited students from the CPUT and Fairmont High School busying themselves over the pots and morning camp fires.
With the warmth of the morning sun we divided the group in half, sending them to one of two morning bases. One of which was a geology and geographical talk done by Mr J Dempers HOD of Fairmont Geography and the other being a fresh water ecology bases managed by John Lucas, Founder of explore4knowledge aimed at promoting water conservation, catchment areas and highlighting human influence on water resources. John Lucas Gravity Adventures to discuss the proposed hydro-electricity projects along the Orange River.
After a morning of educational talks the Cederberg sun finally caught up with our teams in the field and the afternoon was spent in the clear waters and rock pools across the Beaverlac Nature Reserve.
Once more we split the group in two moving one team down onto the banks of the Ratel River in the back of the Toyota Hilux’s to participate in a mini/SASS 5 activity at one of the two long term water quality research sites found within Beaverlac Nature Reserve.
Across Beaverlac at the main rock pool the team from gravity adventures put gekkos and an ark croc in the water to demonstrate water awareness and safety to the students. At all times life jackets and safety gear was used.
Over the past 2 days 100 students from various walks of like joined forces to learn about South African Rivers, indigenous fresh water fish as well as areas in our country seen as critical important for fresh water resources.
Though the bigger picture of conservation and biodiversity is always important and we are pleased to not only be WWF Journey of Water project partners but also Ambassadors of WWF SASSI.
So in celebrating the unity between fresh water and marine resources expore4knowlede was pleased to host Chris Kasternfrom “Smoke Sweat and tears” a WWF SASSI Braai Ambassador.
An evening well spent not only did we discuss WWF SASSI, sustainable marine resources and the effect the oceans have on the mouth of the Olifants River, considering that the summer salt water extent of the sea reaches 30km upstream to the town of Lutzville.