# e4k curiosity fund


Supporting Projects Since 2011


At the core of every project, expedition, campaign, or adventure we have managed to date has been a spirit of thankfulness and supporting communities, projects, and individuals where ever possible. To this end, we have established the e4k® Curiosity Fund™ its aim is to develop and support, ongoing and sustainable programs within the areas we work and travel. 


Glasses Distributed Annually


Learners Reached Annually




Our humanitarian efforts come in various forms, from supporting community feeding programs to empowering communities through established relationships, but we are most proud of the partnership we have with GV2020 and our various glasses distribution programs.

Our team is not able to be in all places at once, but over the years we have established our networks and these have ensured access to reading glasses for remote villages within the developing world. 

vision as a gift

An estimated 2.5 billion people don’t have access to much-needed glasses, of which 90% live in the developing world.


Traditionally our conservation programs, research projects, and conservation initiatives have mainly focused on freshwater, estuarine, and marine resource management, quality, and health. In addition to these, we have been able to support smaller projects and students from various institutions with much-needed equipment and access to resources some of which have worked on predator-prey relation studies, species diets, and mapping home ranges of critically endangered species. Moving forward we look forward to supporting many more projects, telling compelling conservation stories, and supporting the much-needed push towards rewilding globally.



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Every subscription, like, and follow helps us promote and support the educational, humanitarian, and conservation work, done by the Curiosity Fund.

Curiosity Fund on YouTube


We see exploration as a vessel for change, our expeditions are designed to deliver on and encompass all aspects of the work promoted through the Curiosity Fund. To date, these award-winning endeavors have enabled us to build classrooms, equip educators with citizen science tools, distribute glasses, collect scientific data and connect you to vanishing ecosystems and dwindling resources around the world. Moving forward we are excited to announce that we will be working with various partners to support the visions and dreams of up-and-coming explorers, adventurers, storytellers, and environmentalists through our field grant program. 

Adventure For a Reason

39% of the developing world has no access to educational resources. That equates to 15 million girls and 10 million boys of primary school age who will never have the opportunity to learn to read and write.


Our educational programs have been awarded for their contribution to conservation, their innovation in communication, and their support of various communities. From classroom activation to weekend camps and multi-day expeditions, we are able to take educational tools to the students, as well as being the students to specifically designed field-based workshops. What started as a few friends teaching biology, science, and geography workshops developed into a team of volunteers building classrooms in rural communities within river catchment areas and is now a group of organizations that work together to promote environmental awareness through syllabus-aligned educational programs. Our next goal is to complete our designed for-purpose “Mobile Classroom” vehicles, equipped with a mobile cinema, science lab, map reading tools, and robotics tools, all items that the schools we work with have never seen before. 

Mobile Classroom