# e4k 2 icons

celebrating the end of an era

2 Icons

Welcome to the #e4k2icons project. For over a decade we have been working with various vehicle manufacturers managing projects in the remotest corners of the planet.

This project is no different but alongside highlighting the need for tourism to sustain conservation efforts globally, we will be working with new partners and announcing our next Global Expedition for 2024/2025 celebrating the 1/2 mark for the decade of reducing carbon. 

We hope you enjoy the Adventure. 

The Wild Coast in South Africa stretches along the Eastern Cape province’s northern coastline. As its name suggests this strip of coastline, which reaches from the Mtamvuna River in the north to the Great Kei River in the south, is an untamed wilderness.

Vehicle Build Series – Senqu

John and Alan started planning a way in which to bring a digital media platform to life in a way that would not only able to meet the needs of partners and sponsors but was designed to use visual media and digital marketing skills to tell the stories of people, places, cultures and the regions natural heritage. This Transki Expedition in 2020, was the pilot of a year planning from a visual media, digital marketing, and expedition logistics front. 

Coming Soon

All good things take time this project took a year of planning, designing, and securing sponsors and partners. 

Southern Africa – Series 

There is nothing as scary as loading your vehicles onto a “pondt” or a ferry and seeing the vehicle of the vehicles push the platform down low enough to allow the water to start lapping across the deck….. not a problem we are told, we have taken many vehicles across here….. but i must profess I dont think many of them have been as big and as heavily loaded as our Land Cruisers. 

The Blog - Coming Soon

“why would you want to drive there if there is a perfectly good road a few 100 km inland”……… “where are you trying to get to…..” 

Vehicle Build Series – Tugela

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Sed diam nonu mmy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat dolores cannon volutpat.

The Blog - Coming Soon

“we have not experienced this much rain in years”……… “you can not drive your planned route the roads washed away…..” 

United Kingdom – Series 

This is one of South Africas natural wonders and an iconic location along our coast. Under certain conditions, the waves slap the rocks with a resounding crack, and the hole roars during storms. Tribesmen believe that these are the sounds of the sea-people singing and shouting, hence the name of the place, esiKhaleni.

The Blog - Coming Soon

“can we use the drone to scout ahead”……… ” it seems as though this never was a road, to begin with…..”

Vehicle Build – Arktos 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Sed diam nonu mmy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat dolores cannon volutpat.

The Blog - Coming Soon

“we have not experienced this much rain in years”……… “you can not drive your planned route the roads washed away…..” 

European – Series

This is one of South Africas natural wonders and an iconic location along our coast. Under certain conditions, the waves slap the rocks with a resounding crack, and the hole roars during storms. Tribesmen believe that these are the sounds of the sea-people singing and shouting, hence the name of the place, esiKhaleni.

The Blog - Coming Soon

“can we use the drone to scout ahead”……… ” it seems as though this never was a road, to begin with…..”

Other Destinations

Over the years we have been able to travel to some of the world’s most iconic locations for work and as we have mentioned before none of what we do would be possible without your donations and the support of our partners and sponsors. So follow the links below and enjoy the adventure.   
Thank you.
John Lucas and Team.   

Support Similar Projects

Alongside the support given by partners and sponsors, these projects are supported by donations recieved through the e4k® Curiosity Fund. Click below if you want to support the next advneture. 

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